Digital Connections

We are stuck in an old paradigm, with institutional structures that control and define our lived experience, built for a world that no longer exists.

Within education, passionate entrepreneurs and committed citizens are no longer waiting for these broken formal institutions to be reformed. All over the world, they are designing and building their own local responses with relationships at their core. These are the education ecosystems that our young people need and out of which new institutions will emerge.

The Future Learning Design podcast is an inquiry into these fundamental changes and an invitation to you to join the movement to help drive positive change.

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More than 100 episodes with thought-leaders, entrepreneurs, educators.

Hosted by Tim Logan, Partner at Good Impact Labs.

The Power of Agency - A Conversation with Indra Adnan
Tim Logan Tim Logan

The Power of Agency - A Conversation with Indra Adnan

What does it really mean to have 'agency' and how might we create more opportunities for young people to step into their agency in meaningful ways? Indra Adnan has been exploring this concept in communities around the world as well as in grassroots political organising.

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An Indigenous Renaissance - A Conversation with Dr Marie Battiste
Tim Logan Tim Logan

An Indigenous Renaissance - A Conversation with Dr Marie Battiste

What does it mean for those in culturally Eurocentric school systems around the world to learn from and with indigenous peoples about the role of education in community and connected with place? Should we even, after the horrors inflicted upon indigenous communities by settlers? These are delicate but important questions and it was a huge privilege to be able to sit down with Dr Marie Battiste to discuss them.

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